Monday, February 20, 2017

Out Of Your Office: How To Manage Life And Work While Travelling

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With the passage of time, I had the luxury to travel around the world while never risking my work, but at the same time, I have learnt it's crucial to keep it balanced. Managing work and life at home is difficult, but maintaining traveling and work is something of fine art. Fortunately, with the help of today's technology, it's easy to stay connected to your inbox and clients. With just a smartphone and 4G connection, you have your office at the tips of your fingers anywhere in the world. So here are some tips for you to enjoy your next travel while balancing your work and life.
Take Advantage Of Free WiFi
While I was traveling in Costa Rica I became an expert in seeking out free WiFi as being a blogger I need to regularly update snap chat, social media and blogs, etc. 3G is hard to find so finding hotels, cafes, bars, restaurants that offered free Wifi became second nature. So have your Instagram posts already saved in the drafts and your email prewritten, so as soon as you get access to the internet, you can just click and send it.
This one is vital if you are a blogger or you work in social media. Scheduling apps like Buffer, Hopper and Hootsuite are essential for you to keep your consistency across the social media channels while traveling. You don't want to worry about keeping your Twitter updated while sunbathing or trekking.
Use Apps To Stay Connected
While it's an amazing feeling to escape the routine's of your life, it is also important to stay updated with the people who you care and love. Download apps like Facebook Messenger, Skype and Whatsapp for staying connected with co-workers, friends and family - while also saving money - just as long as you are using free WiFi
Maintain A Routine
Create a schedule for your day and establish a routine while traveling is pretty important if you want to manage your time and be certain to have a happy life and work balance. Personally, I find it pretty difficult to relax knowing that I have got tons of work to do, so I usually set my alarm early in the morning and take my laptop to the hotel balcony, watching the sun come out and ensure my emails and posts are on track.
Make Time For Yourself
Arguably this one is the most important! Traveling is truly an amazing experience, but it can quickly turn from a relaxing experience to a stressful one, if you don't keep a balance between your work and life. By establishing your working hours and routine, you should make time for yourself. Take advantage of your hotel gym or take a walk around the park.
And this is all for managing work and life while traveling the world is quite easy once you have established a good routine and are using your resources.
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